Higher Education in the World 5

Obsah hlavního článku

Jana Dlouhá


The latest edition of the GUNi Report Higher Education in the World 5 contains numerous articles which discuss higher education institutions (HEIs) from the point of view of their involvement in the sustainability transformation. We can learn more in this edition, for example, about the current concept of community university engagement, university social responsibility and proposed steps for advancing the contribution of higher education. Besides analyses of the roles of higher education institutions as active players in society, higher education practitioners may utilise examples of good practice, innovation, relevant experience and new and ongoing projects. You can find out more also about GUNi Report presentations around the world at: www.guninetwork.org

The publication is now available from the GUNi web site and can be purchased with a 20% discount until June 30.

Further details of this special offer can be found at the GUNi web page.


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Jak citovat
Dlouhá, J. (2014). Higher Education in the World 5. Envigogika, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.14712/18023061.444
Biografie autora

Jana Dlouhá

RNDr. Jana Dlouhá, Ph.D.

Odpovědný redaktor Envigogiky.

Vystudovala obor ochrana životního prostředí (PřF UK) a postgraduálně filozofii výchovy (PedF UK). V současné době působí v Centru pro otázky životního prostředí UK; zabývá se především tvorbou výukových textů a koordinací vzdělávacích programů

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