Metamorfózy organických forem

Obsah hlavního článku

Jan van Boeckel


Popis umělecké aktivity, jejímž cílem je vymodelovat z hlíny „chybějící článek“ v procesu evoluce. Postup vyvinul Jan van Boeckel (inspirován původní aktivitou z dílny Antonyho Gormleye)


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Podrobnosti článku

Jak citovat
van Boeckel, J. (2022). Metamorfózy organických forem. Envigogika, 17(1).
Biografie autora

Jan van Boeckel

an van Boeckel is a Dutch artist-educator and researcher. Currently, he is professor art & sustainability at the Research Centre Art & Society of Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen. Previously (2018-2019) Jan was senior lecturer in visual art education at the Academy of Design and Crafts of Gothenburg University. That year Jan was also guest educator and researcher at CEMUS, the Centre for Environment and Development Studies in Uppsala,  Sweden. From 2015 until 2018, he was professor in art education at the Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn. Jan van Boeckel has also been program director in design theory at the Iceland University of the Arts in Reykjavik (2014-2015). In 2019, he started teaching painting courses at MK24 in Amsterdam. Jan has regularly taught and facilitated courses at Schumacher College in Dartington, the UK; at University College of Southeast Norway; and in previous years also at CEMUS in Sweden.